Teen Patriots
Thank you for considering being one of our Teen Patriots. This is available to students entering grades 7 and above. There are many opportunities for consideration. Some of the many acting roles include cannon operator, general store owner, grass weaver, fire tender, musket man, army men, Washington's Deputy, Paul Revere assistant, Boston Tea Party ship hand, and so many more. Most scripts are a few sentences, and longer ones can even be read if needed.
New to Liberty Camp? Consider being an Assistant Group Leader. In this role you will wear a colonial costume (which is provided), and you will help our campers move from station to station and assist them in participating in the actions as they relive the events of the American Revolution.
If you have attended Liberty Camp in the past or are you willing to attend pre-camp training sessions? Become one of our Teen Actors in one of our six stations as a member of the colonial militia, a colonist, a founding father, or a British soldier. This involves some rehearsals. All costumes are provided. The number of rehearsals depends on the level of commitment.
Service hours are available. If you would like us to log service hours for you, please notify your station leader or a camp director prior to the beginning of your training, and we would be happy to make that happen.
If you are not sure about volunteering, please email us at info@LibertyCampForKids.com and we will be happy to discuss the possibilities with you.